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Bangalore Bloggers Meet | About Members | September 07 Meet


September 07 Meet

Click here to go to September 07 meet page


Bangalore's bloggers meet in July. Anybody interested in taking part or helping in organising this can edit this wiki password: blogging and add themselves. I think it would be great for the blogging community of Bangalore to get together! :)


You can come if you’re a veteran blogger / a new blogger / a blog reader / a blog commentator / a blog stalker or just a friend of a blogger :)


Agenda for the meet will be updated shortly. however, you are free to put an agenda down - something you feel strongly about, something that compels you to write or just about blogging


Event Details





July 21st





Near Jyoti Nivas College,




11am to 2 pm


Event Details on UpComing: Bangalore Bloggers Meet



1. For the beginners - What blogging can do to you, personally & professionally?

2. For unnoticed bloggers - How to identify the niche' and good readers?

3. Another thing could be to feature some local blogs into some categories or feature particular entries e.g. '5 best entries of the month' or something like that, this will definitely boost up the adrenaline level of the bloggers.

Piyush Gupta

4. A Technical Non-Jargon for Non-Techies :), tutorial --Sridhar

5. "Blogging vs Journalism", open debate -- Dhivya




Dhivya - dhivya83@gmail.com - 9945569335

Vinu - vranganathan at gmail dot com - 99809 81801

Jayanth S - jayanths@gmail.com - 98860-38459


Prabhudoss Samuel - bubbasamuel@gmail.com

Join the Mailing list: We have a google group up now so that all of us can be in the common loop.

Join Blog'a'Loreans here http://groups.google.com/group/blogaloreans


Sponsors: Would be great to have some...





Raghav's lyric blog: http://coldanddead.blogspot.com 

prabhuraj's blog : http://worldofrajk.blogspot.com , full of blabberings..

Sangeet at http://bloguit.blogspot.com, one fo the funniest blogs out there...

Ajan Blog at Abstract Psyche

Thejesh GN Blog at EventsBangalore

Aaditya Sood

Sandeep - sandeep.ramesh@gmail.com

Britta Jerichow XING webtohuwabohu | Blog 

Maike Steuer

Hrish Thota - --Dhempe on LJ- - Veteran Blogger from last 6 years, also organizer of First ever Bloggers (LiveJournal Bloggers) meet in Bangalore in early 2002.- (Sorry will be in Chennai for Proto.in SE)

Vinay - contactvin@gmail.com

Pradeep - pradeep.murthys@gma.. If time permits,I'll be happy to join and know more.

Himanshu Sheth himanshu.sheth@gmail.com | Blog

Aurindam - Some Awry Blogs

Sridhar Rao - chshridharrao@gmail.com | Blog

Rajiv Renganathan - Home | ContestBuzz

Arun Pillai - Home | Journal

Jothi vel moorthi.AC - jovemac@gmail.com

Harinath Pudipeddi - hpudipeddi@hotmail.com

Kishore - Blog at dayswork | Biz/Tech Editor at Desicritics

AJ - Contributing writer to Desicritics and a bibliomaniac

Sivakumar - sivupalani@gmail.com | Blog Just entered into the world of blogging.

Sanjukta - This is my Truth *Star* Blogger from Delhi now based in Bangalore :D

Bikram - genius @ play vicky @ work Leonardo Vlog iWizard Looking forward to being a part of it.

Karthik - Darkoak

Rajesh Dangi - Bangalore Daily Photo - looking forward...

Piyush Gupta - Silicontryst PGWorld gpiyush@gmail.com | I'm confused about what bloggers can do when they all meet . Quite curious!

100rabh - Random... saurabh.minni on gm@!l Yeah what do they do when they meet

Srividya - Photos, verses and music @ A Journey Called Life

Devanshi Jain

Prashanth - www.techbangalore.com & www.mungarumale.in (Topping Google for query "Mungaru Male") - hnprashanth AT gmail DOT com

Jadeja Dushyantsinh Anopsinh - dushyantsinhunderscorejadejaathotmaildotcom

Lavanya Viswanath - All Things Considered

Anand Bora

Remain Connected - Blog at http://remainconnected.blogspot.com/

Ashwin Murali a.k.a. The Cruisemaniac - ashwin at] thecrusiemaniac dot com | Blog

Neha Kumar, http://worldthrumyeyes.wordpress.com, Blogs her views on our world :)

Rk , would love to be there, but then, not sure. Have fun!

Vinay, time permits, wil b ther, hav fun:-)

Mukundan AP - Would try my best 2 be there gentikfreak@gmail.com 

Baraat: I Say. So I am. http://sbhaskar.blogspot.com

I will try to be there (istilllovemetal.blogspot.com)

Looking forward to be ther..lemme try! (http://trudgingthoughts.blogspot.com)

Deepak Rajendran, deepakunderscorerajendranathotmaildotcom, Bangalore.

Ramesh Balasundaram - Blog at http://urbaniseddiary.blogspot.com

Vinod- On Mobility, Computing and Life.

Technology That Matters - TechBharat

Sanjay Nambiar - sanjaynambiar1@gmail.com

Dheeraj Dhawan - dhawandheeraj@gmail.com

Jason S - The Most Authoritative Technology Blog (Missed this time round - Will try to make it next time!!)


Pre Event Blogging


Himanshu Sheth : http://thoughtsprevail.blogspot.com/2007/07/bangalore-bloggers-meet.html

AJ - [http://ramblings.ajaxed.net/2007/07/08/bangalore-bloggers-meet-and-bangalore-barcamp-4/|Bangalore Bloggers Meet And Bangalore BarCamp 4

Coffee & Conversation - Bangalore Bloggers Meet Part 1 - Prelude to Bar Camp

zLesa - Meet the Bangalore Bloggers

Dayswork - Bangalore BarCamp and the Bloggers Meet

Lavanya Viswanath - Blogalore: Meet the bloggers

m a n u s c r y p t s - So, whats the brouhaha all about?



Post Event Blogging


Prashanth Bangalore Bloggers Meet: We Met up!

Jayanth Amonks Blog  

AJ Living Life - Bangalore Bloggers Meet

Anbusivam Blog'a'loreans- Meet

Himanshu Sheth Blog'a'loreans: The new phase of \"Bang(osphere)\"

And Thus They Met : The Blog'a'Loreans

Lavanya Viswanath A Phlogger's guide to the Blogalorean meet

Bikram Agarwal Bangalore Bloggers' Meet. with Great Snap Effects


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